Seven days of exercise on exogenous carbohydrate oxidation and insulin resistance in obese children.


eMediNexus    23 February 2018

A new study published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism was based on the hypothesis that seven consecutive days of exercise would improve deemed metabolic flexibility (MetFlex) and insulin resistance (IR) in children with obesity. Here, 12 children – 8 boys and 4 girls, attended two study visits before (PRE) and two study visits after (POST) exercise training. On the first visit, fasting blood was collected, and anthropometry and aerobic capacity (V̇O2max) were assessed. On the second visit, a 13C-enriched carbohydrate (CHO) drink was ingested before exercise (3 x 20 min) at ~59% V̇O2max. During training, participants alternated between continuous and high intensity interval cycling sessions at home under supervision. It was observed that despite good training adherence, there was no improvement in MetFlex or homeostatic model assessment (HOMA)-IR. From the findings, it was stated that future research should investigate exercise volume, sex, and pubertal effects on the early responsiveness of MetFlex to exercise therapy.

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